Listing Spotlight - 8835 Kelsey Dr

Our listing clients’ motivations for selling their homes can widely vary from person to person. When I was in 5th grade, my parents moved us up the state from LA to Sacramento for my father’s career with IBM. Gaby’s parents moved their family to the US from an entirely different country. And more locally, we are noticing the Baby Boomer generation easing their way out of the homes they had raised their families in, and making moves to their ‘forever home.’


I couldn’t be happier to present to you an iconic mid century modern property located at 8835 Kelsey Dr in Elk Grove, CA. Purchased in 1987 from the builders Streng Bros., the sellers raised their kids, finished up their careers into retirement, and were able to create memories with their grandkids here. Now that their personal needs have changed in a home, 8835 Kelsey Dr has hit the market for sale. As original owners go, this couple hit a home run at preserving a true gem of a property.

Being Sacramento based Realtors, we see a lot of properties—and a wide array of conditions and preservation. This isn’t specific to the mid century modern homes, yet the mid mods in the Greater Sacramento area are typically owned by an older age group that are starting to have trouble with maintenance and upkeep. While it may be heart breaking to watch a home literally rot away from the elements, it can be just as crushing to see a flipper gut the charm out of a mid century modern property only to replace it with a generic contemporary style meant to pad their margins.

Mid Century Modern lovers rejoice! This 4 bed Streng Bros. built home with gorgeous atrium in Elk Grove's Williamson neighborhood is a true delight. It has been meticulously cared for by original owners and in nearly original condition. Upkeep has included exterior beam repair, interior and exterior painting, metal roof, and updated HVAC. Lovely aggregate walkways lead you to a stunning entrance guaranteed to make an awesome first impression. The owner's have added an aggregate rear patio and walkways to keep with the theme and style of this genuine property. Take a look at the complete listing info for this Sacramento area mid mod home here, proudly listed by your favorite Realtors!


Relocation from the Bay Area


A Realtor's Experience in Home Buying