Our Blog

Matt Clemens Matt Clemens

A Realtor's Experience in Home Buying

3-2-1...Haaaappy New Yeaaaaar! Hello 2020, and with the ringing in of a new decade, a number of personal, professional, and financial goals are on our radar. Most importantly, this is the year we had planned to purchase a property. We qualified for some great loan options, put together a business plan, have assets available to purchase a home in the greater Sacramento area, and felt like we might have an upper hand by being Realtor’s ourselves. Well I’m here to tell ya, this 2020 market has given us insight like never before!

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Matt Clemens Matt Clemens

Wide Open Walls

One of the coolest things about living in Sacramento is the art scene and specifically the murals. Art and culture are everywhere you look and that's what makes this city unique. Artists have painted thought provoking murals in unexpected places throughout the city and it just keeps on growing every year.

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